Thursday, October 20, 2011

California's Olive Oil

It's Thursday again and the day to rewie this week news article.

Check the New York Times talking about olive oil. When you buy extra virgen olive oil make sure it's cold pressed.

Cold pressed olive oil has been produced with the use of a low heat technique. The introduction of heat to the process of making oil will degrade the flavor, nutritional value, and color of the oil. Heat, however, increases the yield. This is the reason why cold pressed oil tends to be more expensive and better quality.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Lesson 4 Key Term Review

Chapter 3
Receiving and Sotring to Maintain Quality

1.       Ethylene gas—colorless gas that increases the ripening process of some fresh fruits and vegetables, while, at the same time, accelerating the deterioration of other nearby products
2.       First in, first out (FIFO)—inventory storage system that ensures that older products are used before newer products.
3.       Flash freezing—process in which food is frozen solid in a short period of time
4.       Oxidation—chemical effect of air in which a substance combines with oxygen.  Note: oxidation is a principle reason why perishable food spoils.
5.       Perpetual inventory—system of records used to track all goods entering and leaving a storeroom.
6.       Supplier list—list of suppliers that have met the operation’s criteria regarding food safety, product quality, and price.

Lesson 4

We will have class on Friday October 14.

Please read chapter 2 and 3.
We will have a quiz to review chapter 2 and don't forget homework.

Prof. Dominguez

Make mine a vinegar solution

This week the New York Times wrote an article about the use of vinegar in drinks.

Here is the link: